Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Sustainable Development based on SEED-SCALE

Everybody can be empowered to be an agent of change and leave a legacy by applying the SEED-SCALE principles such as: build on success, three way partnership, evidence based decision making, and behaviour change. These principles do not guarantee positive results but the four of them can result in a sustainable social change.

Historically different approaches to development were created. Most of them were oriented to invest in different issues like health, poverty, education, food security, and environmental initiatives around the world. However, challenges still exist, because they solved those issues at that moment with a result of dependency; for instance, the UN through its millennium goals is trying to reduce poverty, but there are still families subsisting on very little income per day. The SEED-SCALE system goes further that the traditional development approach because it not only focuse on social, economic change (money) but also on human energy and all the potential to empower communities with the position of “what can we do with what we have here and today”, where the community develops based on its own strengths, efficacy, resources, services and without being affected by the modernization and globalisation.

Growing the seed of SEED-SCALE. The Taylors present the SEED-SCALE to all people with moral imagination who are seekers of social change. This mentoring approach builds on what exists, leaving aside the controlling part. This process is defined as: “Offers a process for each community to develop its own services and enhance its efficacy and control. The approach uses resources all communities have, and builds from actions that they have already started”(p. 4). This concept is applied using four principles: equity, holistic sustainability, interdependence and iteratively maturing actions.

There are deep differences between the traditional development approach and SEED-SCALE. Starting with management, one differs from the other on the philosophy, procedures and even on the sources. One only focuses on the financial part, in other words, on resources but not on human energy. Planning is oriented toward competition but not cooperation. The traditional approach accountability applies to the government and the donor but with SEED-SCALE acts transparently with all community members. Finally, decision making traditionally has been based on power, fixing problems and needs; in contrast, SEED-SCALE directs the decisions based on the community strengths from where the results are not only counted by numbers, but by a quality of change in people´s behavior.

Build on success. Many communities have very skilled members. Some of them have become leaders. They have put all their energy, time, life, among other resources to make their idea succeed for the wellbeing of the community. Sometimes for natural circumstances or bad management this success turns into a challenge that makes community people be afraid. The civic and public approach is very traditional because they want to solve problems based on the identification of needs. NGO mostly act as philanthropies. Leaders with an orientation to SEED-SCALE approach their work based on the strengths and all the assets that the community has.

Three-way partnerships. Partnership is part of the new process of community development. Partnership with the government benefits the community and the government itself. For one side, there is a better control for taxation. On the other side, the community can have access to public funding to operate logistically. Another part of the community partnership to consider is the professionals, who can contribute their knowledge and abilities. All can work in directions that can be collaborative. All the stakeholders are needed to collaborate with each other to produce sustainable results.

Decision making based on evidence. Data is necessary to take effective action. This point is essential because the SEED-SCALE approach can not be effective with the lack of this information. Community development leaders often act based on suppositions. The information gathered might directed better to make a decision based on the inputs and opinions of the members of the community.  Information based on suppositions might not be relevant. Work can be wasted along with human energy, and the results can differ from what the community wants. Evidence provides the opportunity to know the capacity, common ground objectives, and ways to work collaboratively.

Behavior change. Traditional interventions search for results while SEED-SCALE achieves behavior change. The behavior of the members of the community changes when the results come. Leaders challenge people to do what they are able to do. Community members learn from mistakes as improving abilities, learning new processes, etc. as part of their behavior change. When the project is based in the community, there is no need for control because the members are free to act, establishing the guidance and goals themselves and eventually transcending human energy and empowering the momentum of all the members.

Management from seeds to changed behavior is a way to achieve a successful community program. Results are achieved based on community development activities, where the leaders empower all of the members of the community in a collaborative way. Everyone is oriented to achieve quality of life. When leaders and community members are linked by the same ideology, human energy is moving. All the members are committed to be part of the ethno development strategy. Traditionally, thinking is based on individual success, not taking into consideration the collective or community. Collaboration and equality among other principles assure the success and trust of the members where truth and honesty turn into energy, as Gandhi demonstrated. Furthermore, traditional approaches to development can be destructive, resulting in changed ideologies, and the destruction of racial integrity, ecosystems, etc.

Sometimes the partnership with the government is quiet hard because of their dependent-capitalist philosophy of the governmental employees and there is always a wall that loose the trust like corruption. The but as well of getting along people can join them as part of the members and look at them as a way to get some help what for low belongs to them. It is just a fact of learning how to manage human energy effectively and have enough knowledge to point out the rights. So here is where the professional comes along and make this part more effective.

The SEED-SCALE approach is based on working “with people, not for people and from people”, where objectives and processes are doable and applicable for anyone and everywhere. Everybody who has the moral imagination for social change can create a local committee, identifying resources to ensure success. The starting point is the self evaluation survey, followed by the creation of a plan to coordinate resources.

Recently, I became acquainted with an indigenous community in the ecological reserve of Cayambe Coca, called Oyacachi, it is located three hours drive from Quito. Oyacachi has experienced a mud slide  that devastated one third of the village, affecting the main source of income which includes the tourism, woodworking and dairy products. Parts of the SEED-SCALE approach were applied prior to reading the Taylor book Empowerment on an Unstable Planet: From Seeds of Human Energy to a Scale of Global Change.

SEED-SCALE approach has helped BCF tremendously and we are really eager to work with many communities intervention applying this approach.  We are eager to record the change of behavior on the members of the community. 

Cecilia Guerrero

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Building Digital Bridges Touching Lives

Building Digital Bridges Touching Lives 

Smart Destination apuesta por la digitalización del sector rural para ofrecer experiencias turísticas singulares e incrementar su competitividad y sostenibilidad

El turismo inteligente y la nueva onda de Smartificación (IoT) hace que muchos líderes consideren al turismo como la industria que más requiere de una transformación digital, este acercamiento y adopción desde la más remota parte del sector rural marcará el turismo y su competitividad en el presente y futuro próximo.
Por otro lado, una de las minas de oro es la captación de datos e información para generar experiencias usuario diferenciales, aumentar el gasto medio por visitante y hacer inversión en proyectos sociales comunitarios son los grandes retos para el Smart Destination en Ecuador y el Comité Verde de Cada Comunidad.
Smart Destination es un emprendimiento social colaborativo pionero porque abordada temas clave para el sector como el empoderamiento del turista y el huésped (local) mediante las soluciones mobile, la gestión del Big Data o la irrupción del Internet of Things (IoT) en entornos turísticos, la motivación digital juvenil, economía colaborativa (minga), Sumak Kawsay, agentes de transformación orientados a competencias digitales, manejo de agendas digitales, innovación en todos los sectores, rural y urbano.

Ecuador hacia un Smart Destination 

El Smart Destination is la formación de Smart Communities sean estas barrios, grupos, comunas, sectores, comunidades, ciudades, provincias, etc. que están dispuestos a la adopción de soluciones tecnológicas amigables con el medio ambiente, cultura y de impacto a largo plazo.  La inteligencia entendida esta como el uso de tecnologías ofrecen experiencias turísticas diferenciales y personalizadas. La ciudades en el caso de Quito, Guayaquil, Cuenca ya están en el camino de reforzar propuestas que ya están en marcha donde la tecnología da vida, genera datos, da clase, da organización, da confianza. La digitalización de un mayor número integral el sectores tanto relacionados a la industria del turismo, desde la precuela, secuela y novela adopta la misma lógica y lenguaje que el turista conectado inteligente.
La nueva tipología del viajero, empoderado y dependiente por la tecnología; y, más informado y exigente, cambia el paradigma turístico actual. El turista demanda de un ecosistema dinámico y verde que son propuestas transversales durante todo el proceso –antes, durante y después de su estancia mencionado anteriormente- que respondan a sus necesidades, sueños, preferencias, momento y lugar en que se encuentre.

Smart Destination y su plataforma EcoHelix, tiene como objetivo final la promoción de destinos inteligentes que si no están aquellos destinos con inicios de adoptar la inteligencia, la plataforma tiene su tiempo de espera y pacienca porque la Fundación Chacay conoce que para satisfacer estas necesidades, los agentes de la industria turística (hoteles, restaurantes, servicios turísticos, agencias de viaje, transporte, espacios turísticos etc.) deben replantear conjuntamente las dinámicas bajo el sentido de colaboración y no de beneficio individual, que Smart Destination y Smart Community, no se lo hace con un hotel o restaurante certificado con las ISO, esto no cuenta, lo que cuenta es cada persona de la comunidad tener la pertenencia de este cambio.

En primer lugar, Chacay esta construyento puentes con el sector industrial, empresarial que tengan propuestas tecnológicas disruptivas y que estas puedan ser aplicadas al sector turístico. La transformación digital del turismo va más allá de la incorporación de la plataforma, aplicación y gadgets. Esto requiere de un cambio de cultura y comportamiento turístico empresarial, comunal, personal, familiar, grupal, etc. para para a una comunidad colaborativa que integre esta nueva mentalidad digital. Este cambion de comportamiento solo se lo hace con la concienciación, educación y acción llevada a cabo con gente y líderes jóvenes (estudiantes universitarios) que quieren y buscan hacer un impacto, que dentro de la Fundación los llamamos Agentes de Cambio (PATs).

En segundo lugar, el sector turístico debe implementar la recogida y tratamiento de la información del turista para ofrecerle una atención y unos servicios más personalizados. Ante esto, es necesario tener una evaluación de la comunidad en todo sentido para encontrar cada riqueza y fortaleza. Ello permitirá ofrecer experiencias diferenciales al visitante, que muestren todo el atractivo de la oferta turística y fortalezca el posicionamiento de este Smart Community como destino turístico de referencia.

En tercer lugar, ya las obras gubernamentales de paso, no solo van orientadas a la creación de obras públicas para servicio local, sino con visión futurista y con sentido de dar una experiencia al visitante inteligente, es decir el mismo parque que es de uso para la comunidad y su diversión social, mental y física se lo podría incorporar espacios de internet libre, electrificación proveída de paneles solares, etc.
Por último, los jóvenes crean un ambiente de voz, de pertenencia y con un espíritu emprendedor turístico innovador, responsable. A mas de mejorar el buen uso de su acceso a la tecnología. Estas nuevas dinámicas de relación entre empresas (publico, privada, cívico, académico, medios de comunicación, comunidad local), clientes (nacionales y extranjeros) y oferta turística condicionará las rutinas y el funcionamiento del sector. La Smartificación inicia desde la aparición de grandes plataformas que actúan como metabuscadores de oferta turística y la irrupción de Apps y redes sociales dan acceso al viajero inteligente a cualquier información, realidad que demanda que las empresas en colaboración con otros sectores ofrezcan respuestas constantes, inmediatas, innovadoras, resilientes, colaboradoras y sostenibles.

Por Cecilia Guerrero

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